Thursday, May 21, 2009

i see the light...

at the end of the graduation/teacher gift whatever whatever whatever tunnel.

I am almost done being belittled by people who think they are the reason I get up in the morning.

I am almost through the sea of towels and blankets waiting for a name added to them.

I am almost done with swimteams and baseball teams.

Then you get your Tahoe Girl back.

You don't want this one.

She is tired and irritable and her favorite word is "NO!"

It will be soon and then Stressed Out Tahoe Girl will go back in the closet til October when she will re-emerge with her tinsel in a tangle for the holiday season.....

Can't wait can ya?


clemsongirlandthecoach said...

You know what? I like you evern when yopu are tired and crabby.

That's how good of a friend I am...

Jill said...

Whew! I can only imagine.

Beth Dunn said...

I hear you!

Margaret said...

hi! thanks for the comment on my blog! unfortunately, i'm not much help with the quilt question. my parents recently bought a beach house and it was completely furnished, so those quilts came with the house. i can look for a tag on it the next time i'm there, though. it doesn't show well in the pictures, but there's really a lot of pink in the quilt. have you checked pottery barn kids? lots of cute quilts for little boys! :)

Miss Janice said...

Funny! Seriously, you sound like one busy girl!