Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Miss Me?

I know you are wondering where did Tahoe Girl go? Well its graduation and end of the year and I am working like a crazy woman these days! But there is tons of stuff going on around the Tahoe household so I will update you shortly! May is actually crazier than Christmas around here so I might be in and out for the next few weeks but I will drop in with a giggle or two when I can...

Your first giggle........

Tahoe Girl


Nessa said...

Hahaha, cutie!

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

ThaT child is too cute for words. SERIOUSLY.

nomo wino daph said...

HAHAHAHA that is too cute!
{love the jammies!!}

Pottey Training >> Frat house...they go hand in hand;)

Jill said...

Hey girly! I have missed you....and I am finally back to blogging myself. Maybe at some point this summer when things slow down (do they every really slow down???) you, me, CG and pink clutch can exchange our coffee chat to a margarita fest.

Miss Janice said...

Love your blog and was hoping that "thang" was brand new:)

Peanut&Goober said...

I had no idea that you had a blog. I feel like I have learned a great deal about you in the last 30 minutes of reading... :)