Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Makeovers Pre-K Style....

Sassy Mini Tahoe Strikes again! Only this time it was at school!

Yesterday I get a note home saying "Sassy Tahoe needs to leave the nail polish and makeup at home". Umm Okay?

So the investigation begins....

Here is how the conversation went down...

TG: Sassy did you take something to school today that you were not supposed to?
ST: (Big SMile) No mommy, why do you ask?
TG: Really, nothing?
ST: Oh, you mean my makeup and nail polish?
TG: Yes, that is exactly what I mean. You know that you can only play with that at home when mommy is watching.
ST: I know but we opened a salon at school and those girls needed makeovers!

SO this morning I go to school with her to remove the "contraband" and ask the teacher all the details. (Making sure she knows I did not let her bring it to school.)

Turns out she had quite a list of clients waiting in line at her salon! They all had makeovers, complete with blue glitter eye shadow, and manicures.

Now I dont know if you have ever had a manicure via a 5 year old so let's just say they had "pink thumbs!"

Can't wait to hear about todays adventures!
Tahoe Girl


Kim said...

That's just hilarious.

Debra said...

Too funny. I just love them at that age.

Anonymous said...

So creative!

Stephanie said...

just found your blog via ClemsonGirl.

Hilarious story! I was laughing so hard I nearly choked on my water!

Too cute!