Monday, February 28, 2011

Heard from the front seat of the Tahoe...

Yesterday while headed to baseball (it's spring, where else would I be going) I was sitting in the front seat reading something on my phone (Titan Boy was driving) when I heard this....

Littlest Tahoe says: "Ya know I have boy makeup at grandma's house in a special drawer. She says it's ok for boys to wear makeup and I like it"

Ummmm WHAT? Boy Makeup? My inlaws are very conservative so I am now shocked at this comment. What the heck is boy makeup?

As I turn around obviously confused Sassy says: " Don't worry mom, he's just talking about chapstick. That's what he calls boy makeup."

Phewwww, I was getting worried I was gonna find him wearing my lipstick and borrowing my eyeliner...
Tahoe Girl


Sunshine and Snoopy said...

Mwahaha. Annelise is always wanting to paint Carson's nails...

wej said...

aaww.... nooooo.....scary, right!?!Of Eagles