Is that not one of the cutest faces you have ever seen? This sweet little boy is my nephew-in-law and his name is Carson. During the month of April (2009), Carson was diagnosed with Idiopathic Infantile Spasms at just 9 months old.
This news has just been devastating to his family and mine. He is the cutest, happiest baby ever and this news is just heartbreaking to say the least! At this point we do not have a lot of answers, mostly questions but we have learned that one thing that will help Carson and his family is a seizure alert dog! They have applied and been approved to get one of these sweet unique puppies but it cost $13,000.00!!!!
Many people have stepped in and done fundraisers, from car washes to raffles and everything in between (some neighbor children had a lemonade stand and raised $75.00 all by themselves!) and as of today we are ONLY $1400 from our goal!!! YEAH TEAM!
One fundraiser we have been doing is Crosses For Carson! These adorable glass bead and wire crosses are beautiful and make a great gift. They also help to remind us of the blessings in our lives everyday!
Please check out their website (Click on the picture) and order crosses today! Only $1400 more and Carson will get this puppy that help his parents sleep at night! (Most of his seizures are at night!)
Also, Carson's mom has started a blog about day to day life with two kids and all the craziness that includes, not too mention when your baby is sick! I cannot imagine. I have three beautiful healthy children and it could have just as easily been me or you or your neighor! Visit her blog SUNSHINEANDSNOOPY.BLOGSPOT.COM
ALSO, I would really appreciate it if you shared this info with anyone and everyone you know! Post it in your blogroll or dedicate a post to it! It really is a worthy cause!
Please Help Carson get His Puppy!
Many thanks and blessings!
Tahoe Girl